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in College Transitions
College Transitions Math & Technology
with Megan McOsker

Get ready for college level math and technology. College Transitions Math & Tech. includes an intensive brush up of math skills with an introduction to College Algebra. Move from "I can't do math" to "I CAN do math!"
Additionally, you will build technology skills needed in college classes for formatting and editing papers, creating presentations, submitting work online, and using Brightspace - Maine's univeristy and community college online learning system.
Review fractions, decimals, percents, and basic algebra for college math. Learn to use online sources for supplementing your math knowledge. Practice math online, including preparing for the computerized assessments and exams. Gain an understanding of problem solving techniques and processes. Relieve your math anxiety, while gaining tech. skills!
Please call us for more information: 207-422-4794.
Classes are held at UMA-Ellsworth and on Zoom. You can attend any college after taking College Transitions classes.