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RSU 24 Adult Education

Our Classes

Health Explorations
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Health Explorations

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with Megan McOsker and Phil Wormuth

Calendar Current session started Jan 21, 2025 at 10:45 am

In Health Explorations students will learn about the four domains of health: physical, mental, emotional and social. We will focus on developing knowledge and skills important to young adults and aim to equip students with a toolbox of useful strategies for living a healthy life.  Topics will include but are not limited to: cultivating mental health, accessing healthcare, disease prevention, nutrition, dimensions of physical health, substance use, and social dimensions of health. Students will develop a personal health plan that will address the four domains of health.

Math in the World
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Math in the World

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with Megan McOsker

Calendar Current session started Jan 21, 2025 at 12:45 pm

Math in the World is a math class designed to improve students' conceptual and procedural knowledge of math largely  in the context of authentic projects. Units will include business and personal finance (operations and algebraic thinking, functions), crime analysis (geometry), sports (statistics and probability), and cooking (ratios and proportions). Student interest will be used to customize instruction. We will also use digital and other tools to best support individualized student learning.

Styles of Literature
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Styles of Literature


with Phil Wormuth

Calendar Current session started Jan 21, 2025 at 12:45 pm

Whether you love to read or don't read very often, you'll find a style of writing that catches your attention. In Styles of Literature, you can continue building your reading and writing skills for work or college. (This is one of our high school completion classes.)

Read a collection of high-interest texts to discover how writers carefully craft their works in compelling and dramatic ways. In addition to reading a variety stories and articles, you will write a number of short papers to develop your own style of writing fiction and non-fiction.

What's your favorite style of writing? In class, you'll explore a verity of genres (styles): Action and adventure, allegory, articles, autobiography, biography, drama, diary/memoir, fiction, horror, letters, non-fiction, poetry, satire, science-fiction, speeches...

Participants can earn one high school level English credit by completing this course successfully.

Please call us for more information or to register for this class:  207-422-4794.

HiSET Math


with Megan McOsker

Calendar Current session started Jan 22, 2025 at 9 am

Learn new math skills and brush up on the basics in order to pass the HiSET Math test.  Working with your instructor, you can target any gaps in your math knowledge, as you build skills for the HiSET test. 

The HiSET math test includes: number operations, measurement, geometry, data analysis, probability, and algebra. In addition to math skills, we focus on test taking skills and breaking down math and test anxiety. 

In addition to daytime classes, we have open labs day and evenings when you can also meet with teachers and tutors.

A little about the HiSET math test:
The HiSET math test is 50 multiple choice questions; you have 90 minutes to complete the test.  We provide a calculator, a formula sheet, and scrap paper and pencils.  You can take the HiSET on paper or on the computer.  Most people prefer taking the test on computer. You receive your score immediately on the computer. It can take up to two weeks to get your scores if you take the test on paper.

All students take practice tests before taking the official HiSET tests; there is no cost for taking the HiSET in Maine.

This class is for our high school completion program.  Please contact us for registration information @ 207-422-4794.



HiSET Science


with Megan McOsker

Calendar Current session started Jan 22, 2025 at 10:45 am

Learn and practice science in a hands-on "class" to prepare for the HiSET Science test - and you might spark your interest in a science career, too.

The HiSET Science test includes Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science.  In class, you'll learn about scientific inquiry, how to interpret and apply information, and how to evaluate scientific charts and data. You will also work on tricks for testing taking and relieving test anxiety.

Explore the world of science and our local natural environment, both sea and land, while you prepare for this part of your HiSET testing. 

We offer HiSET classes in person in Sullivan and remotely.  We also have online HiSET materials for additional studying & practice.  All of this is offered at no cost for students.

A few details about the HiSET Science test:
The test is 80 minutes with 60 questions.
There is no calculator allowed on this section of the HiSET.
You can take the test of the computer or on paper.
You will have scrap paper and pencils.

HiSET Reading and Writing


with Phil Wormuth

Calendar Current session started Jan 22, 2025 at 12:45 pm

Fine tune your reading and writing skills for your HiSET testing. In class, you'll build on the skills you have to fully develop your reading comprehension and writing skills to pass the HiSET tests.  (There are five tests total to pass the HiSET.)

In all of our HiSET classes, we discuss and practice test taking strategies and overcoming test anxiety.

The HiSET Reading test includes a variety of non-fiction, informational texts.  Test questions focus on reading comprehension, interpretation, and analysis.  In class, we target skills for identifying main ideas, supporting details, organizational styles, and vocabulary.  Class discussions will help develop your skills in interpreting different writing styles.

A few more details about the HiSET Reading test: it is 65 minutes - this is the shortest HiSET test. There are 50 multiple-choice questions.

The HiSET Writing test requires you to write an essay and answer multiple choice questions centered on editing and revising sentences.  The multiple-choice section includes spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence organization.

Whether you think of yourself of a beginner writer or an accomplished writer, we can help you fine tune your writing for HiSET success. We focus on the writing process: developing your thoughts, creating a draft, editing, and revising.  As you edit your writing, you will also review rules of writing for the multiple-choice section of the test.

A few more details of the HiSET Writing test: 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete 60 multiple choice questions and write an argumentative essay.  The essay requires you to respond to a question by giving your opinion based on two opposing articles.

This class is for our high school completion program.  Please contact us for registration information @ 207-422-4794.  We offer in person classes and remote options over Zoom.

HiSET Social Studies (GED)


with Phil Wormuth

Calendar Current session started Jan 22, 2025 at 2:30 pm

You don't have to be a history expert to pass the HiSET Social Studies test. Our classes helps you build knowledge around these key areas for the Social Studies test: History, Civics/Government, Economics, and Geography.

Using in class discussion, reading materials, videos, cartoons, graphs, and online options, you'll cover the material for the HiSET Social Studies test.
You will review, learn, and discover new information and ways people have engaged in their communities through the generations.

All of our HiSET classes also include test taking strategies to help you relieve any test anxiety and build confidence in your test taking skills.

A few more details about the HiSET Social Studies test:
The test is 70 minutes with 60 multiple choice questions.
You can take the test on the computer or on paper.
You can take the test up to three times in one calendar year.
There is no cost for taking the HiSET tests in Maine if you are a Maine resident.

Community Cribbage


with Ander Thebaud

Calendar Current session started Jan 23, 2025 at 11:30 am, runs for 18 weeks

Please note that the start date (1/16) has been postponed to 1/23.

Please join us for our lunch-time, pick-up cribbage game once a week. This is a great way to get out and socialize; it is intended as a fun, community event -- all are welcome. We provide boards and cards. You do not need a partner. Don't know how to play? We can teach you. Feel free to bring lunch with you. Does not meet 2/20 or 4/24.

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